The City of Keller provides trash, recycling, and yard waste collection services through a contract with Community Waste Disposal (CWD). This article covers Keller’s standard collection schedule, holiday changes, household hazardous waste disposal, and how to start service.
Standard Collection Schedule
Keller offers the following curbside collection:
- Trash – Twice weekly pickup on assigned days
- Recycling – Once weekly pickup on assigned day
- Bulk Waste – Once weekly with trash on assigned day
- Yard Waste – Twice weekly pickup available
Trash Collection
- Twice weekly on Monday/Thursday OR Tuesday/Friday
- Unlimited trash in bags up to 50 lbs
- Place at curb by 7 AM on collection day
Check the CWD collection map to find your scheduled collection days.
Recycling Collection
- Once weekly on assigned day
- Use provided 65-gallon cart and 18-gallon bin
- Overflow can be placed in cardboard boxes or blue bags
Bulk Waste
- Collected on second trash day up to 2 cubic yards
- Includes large items like appliances and furniture
Yard Waste
- Twice weekly collection available
- Bundle brush under 4 feet and 50 lbs
- Bag leaves and trimmings, up to 20 bags per collection
- Use compostable bags/ties for green waste facility
Holiday Schedule Changes
Keller does not provide collection on major holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Collection moves one day later for the remainder of the week after a holiday.
Check the CWD holiday schedule each year for specific dates.
Household Hazardous Waste
Keller residents can use CWD’s door-side collection program to properly dispose of household hazardous waste (HHW) and electronics.
Accepted HHW and electronics for pickup include:
- Chemicals, cleaners, paints, pesticides
- Automotive fluids and batteries
- Light bulbs, tubes, and CFLs
- Electronics like TVs and computers
Schedule door-side pickup by calling CWD at 817-795-9300 at least 2 weeks prior to your desired date. See the CWD site for full guidelines.
Large Items and Extra Trash
For large amounts of bulk items, brush, or construction debris, Keller residents can:
- Schedule a special haul pickup through CWD for a fee
- Self-haul to the CWD Transfer Station on the first Saturday each month for free with ID/bill
The CWD Transfer Station accepts household loads up to 150 lbs for free drop-off on the first Saturday monthly.
Signing Up for Service
To start trash and recycling collection:
Residential Service
Call the City of Keller Utility Billing department at 817-743-4000 to set up residential collection service when establishing water service.
Commercial Service
Contact CWD at 817-795-9300 to establish commercial collection service.
Fall Leaf Collection
Keller offers seasonal curbside leaf collection on designated Saturdays in the fall/winter. Sign up through the city site to get leaf collection on top of your regular yard waste pickup days.
More Information
For additional details on Keller’s trash and recycling programs:
Contact CWD at 817-795-9300 or the City of Keller Utility Billing department at 817-743-4000 with any other questions.